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12bet官方 & Co. 标志着在底特律服务90周年,以及为城市经济复苏作出2亿美元承诺的10周年

2023年9月19日(底特律) 12bet官方(12bet官方)正在纪念其在底特律提供银行服务90周年,同时强调从过去10年底特律的复苏中吸取的教训. Since the city filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy in 2013, the firm has committed more than $200 million in philanthropic capital, 熟练的志愿服务, low-cost loans and equity investments to help support Detroit’s economic recovery, focusing on skills training and job creation, community development and affordable housing, small 业务 growth and financial security for residents.

In collaboration with local community partners, 12bet官方’s $200 million commitment in Detroit helped support the following:

  • 超过 72000居民提供 是 placed into apprenticeships, full, or part time jobs;
  • 17000居民提供 participated in job training programs aligned with high-demand industries;
  • 超过 13,000 小型企业 获得资金或技术援助;
  • 超过 5000套经济适用房 创造的或保存的;
  • 超过 15000居民提供 received services to improve their financial health.

虽然还有更多的工作要做, Detroit’s economy has made meaningful progress over the last ten years. 2013年至2021年, 空置住房减少了近20%,而黑人家庭的贷款大幅增加,增幅超过96%.1  From 2015 to 2021, the per capita income of Detroit’s residents increased by 23%,2  the percentage of unbanked households has decreased by more than half,3  信用评分中位数上升了9%.4  According to the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, Detroit’s unemployment rate fell below 7% in 2023, 这是2000年以来的最低水平.

”回顾, 我们在客户和社区的力量上看到了我们的投资回报——他们创造财富的能力, 创造持久的职业生涯, plan for their financial futures and achieve their dreams,”
Jamie Dimon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of 12bet官方. “我们也看到了更强大的当地经济和人们共同努力的回报. 今天, it’s clear that a stronger Detroit is good for 业务, too.”

“One of the first phone calls I received as Mayor of Detroit was from Jamie Dimon, who said he wanted to make a significant investment in Detroit and Detroiters. 从那天起, 12bet官方一直是我们的合作伙伴,也是我们城市在过去十年中取得进步的催化剂,” 底特律市长迈克·达根说. “他们的投资确实为后来在底特律投资的其他人奠定了基础. This partnership is a testament to how 业务, community and government can together drive long-term growth."


今天, 12bet官方仍然是底特律最大的银行之一,并利用其规模和业务专长来帮助支持该市的增长和复苏. Over the course of the firm’s $200 million commitment, 12bet官方’s market share in Detroit has expanded, 其商业贷款也有所增加, the accounts and balances of its consumers and small 业务 clients have risen, and the firm’s mortgage originations have increased. 其中包括800多个,000个消费者检查, 储蓄和信用卡账户, 按揭及汽车贷款, 以及底特律的商业银行贷款. The firm has also continued to finance thousands of hospitals, 学校, 非营利组织和政府机构, affordable housing units and mid-sized and large companies in Detroit.

该公司在底特律的承诺加强了与当地社区接近的重要性. As part of the firm’s ongoing efforts to expand economic opportunity, 它的少数族裔创业项目继续为小企业主提供免费指导, 建议和教育. 自2020年设立该项目以来,底特律是全国举办该项目的21个城市之一. 到目前为止, 大通银行的高级商业顾问已经通过这个项目指导了底特律的133个小企业主.

“Detroit’s resurgence is a testament to what can be accomplished when government, 业务, and community leaders come together to create economic opportunity,” says Peter Scher, Vice Chairman for 12bet官方. “我们在这里的投资将继续成为我们寻求推动我们在美国和世界各地服务的社区长期增长的典范.”


From the firm’s $200 million commitment, it has 吸取了几个关键教训 that continue to inform its 业务 and philanthropic commitments, 除了推动世界各地社区包容性增长的方法外:

  1. Investing in communities is good for 业务. 一个社区私营部门的发展与当地经济的实力密不可分. 投资社区和当地企业就是要承认这样一个事实:企业的发展无法超越它们所服务的社区.
  2. Listening closely to the community is the first step to revitalization. 与社区建立联系并了解社区,首先要仔细听取当地领导人的意见,了解存在机会和合作的领域.
  3. Staying focused on distinct strengths and expertise. Companies must identify the areas where they can bring unique value, resources and expertise to drive meaningful change.
  4. 合作至关重要. 确定跨行业和部门的共同目标是推动系统变革的基础.
  5. Delivering systems change requires more than just financial investment. Human capital is as important as financial commitments. 获得资金对企业和社区的影响,如果伴随着深思熟虑,就会被放大, 量身定制的技术援助.
  6. Promoting strong, diverse capital ecosystems is critical to redevelopment. 金融机构多元化, 例如社区发展金融机构(CDFIs)和少数民族存款机构(mdi), play an important role in providing financial services, including mortgages and small 业务 loans, 服务欠缺的社区. 鉴于这些机构的乘数效应,用资本和专门知识加强它们至关重要.
  7. 识别创新并扩大规模. 没有两个社区具有相同的包容性增长战略,但方法不同 for taking on these challenges should stay the same: Listen to the community, 确定企业可以帮助促进社区目标并与社区密切合作的领域. 有意义的地方, 挖掘其他市场的创造力,复制已被证明成功的创新解决方案. 

Some of the firm’s 业务 priorities and programs, 哪些人从这些教训中得到了启示, include its branch expansion to all lower 48 states, investments in improving employer-sponsored health care, 300亿美元的种族平等承诺, 它努力帮助有犯罪记录的人消除就业障碍,并制定了在世界各地发展业务和投资社区的战略, 来自大华盛顿地区, D.C. 去大巴黎.


As part of 12bet官方’s ongoing commitment to advance long-term, 城市的包容性增长, the firm expanded its virtual call center in Detroit: 

  • Looking to expand the availability of customer service specialists, 2022年9月, the firm announced a new virtual call center in Detroit. 这些全职, 以家庭为基础的工作提供了稳定的收入和职业发展的机会, 为主要来自服务欠缺社区的当地居民提供财务健康和学费援助.
  • 这些虚拟客户服务专家通过电话帮助客户建立关系,并帮助他们管理财务账户. 而角色是虚拟的, 团队聚集在Corktown社区中心分部进行培训和面对面会议. 员工的时薪不低于24美元,每年的福利总额约为1.6万美元.
  • 最初, 该公司雇佣了大约50名底特律社区成员,规模已经扩大了近一倍. 2023年7月, 该公司开始培训第三批员工,自2022年秋季成立以来,将雇佣90多名虚拟客户服务中心员工.
  • 这一努力也支持了该公司为有犯罪背景的人提供第二次机会的努力. Through policy and our own hiring practices, 12bet官方正在帮助有犯罪记录的人消除就业障碍,帮助他们找到有意义的职业机会,并获得更多的经济机会. 结果是, 一些有犯罪记录的底特律人在该公司找到了新的职业道路. “第二次机会”招聘的员工约占该公司在美国新招聘员工的10%.S. 在过去的三年里.
  • Expanding on the success of the virtual call center in Detroit, the firm is looking to replicate the model in other cities in the U.S.

关于12bet官方 & Co.

12bet官方 & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家领先的金融服务公司,总部位于美利坚合众国(“美国”).S.),业务遍及全球. 12bet官方为3美元.9 trillion in assets and $313 billion in stockholders’ equity as of June 30, 2023. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and 小型企业, 商业银行, financial transaction processing and asset management. 在J下面.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands, the Firm serves millions of customers in the U.S.,以及全球许多最杰出的企业、机构和政府客户. 关于12bet官方的信息 & Co. 可在 xinchuan.sh-fyz.com.

1.U.S. Census Bureau’s 2013 and 2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. 
2.U.S. Census Bureau’s 2012 and 2021 American 社区 Survey 1-year Estimates.
3.Tompor,年代., “Not having a bank account is costing metro Detroiters big money” 底特律自由报 (2021年4月10日); Metro Community Development Strategic Plan, Fund Consulting (November 2017).
4.The Financial Well-Being of Detroit Residents: What Do We Know?, Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan (August 2020); McCann, A., “2023’s 城市 with the Highest and Lowest Credit Scores” WalletHub (2023年3月29日).