




拥有100多年支持达拉斯-沃斯堡地区的经验, 12bet官方 is continually innovating to meet the evolving needs of its local customers. One such innovation came as part of the firm’s $30 billion commitment to advance racial equity: the opening of its first Community Center branch in 德州.

特丽·托马斯,橡树崖分部的奉献 社区经理, 专门加入团队以提高对资源的认识和获取, 财务健康工具, 和服务. 社区经理通常来自他们工作的社区, 让他们了解社区所面临的挑战. 

With the help of local nonprofit partners who are invested in driving change for Black 社区 in 达拉斯, 12bet官方(12bet官方)正在为其当地银行分支机构引入更多盟友. 在一起, they share 追逐’s goal of empowering its customers to improve their lives and achieve financial health.

The 达拉斯 Examiner had an opportunity to ask new local 社区经理 Terri Thomas a few questions about innovations at the 追逐 影响 Branch that will help the community grow, 以及新分支机构预计将带来的变化, and how customers can work with Terri and her team to chart their path forward and meet their financial goals.

Question: What is the difference between your job and that of other 追逐 Bank Branch Managers?

Terri: My role was designed specifically to meet the unique financial wellness needs of our city’s Black and Brown community. 我们希望从社区银行业务发展到社区建设业务, we’re actively working to reverse systemic inequalities across the financial system, break down economic barriers and support the success of our customers and our community. 我们计划首先提供获得财政保健资源的机会, 工具, 和盟友帮助你实现你的财务目标.

Think of a community manager as a neighbor who understands intentional relationship building, 领导者的财务需求, organizations and people in your community – and who introduces you to the right person in the bank who can help. 与此同时, a branch manager is a more traditional role created to help you with everyday banking needs – like opening a bank account or offering advice on homeownership and small business growth.

Question: How do you plan to financially empower the Black community in Southern 达拉斯?

Terri: We’re here to empower members and businesses in the 达拉斯 community with 工具 to build generational wealth and a long-lasting legacy. 意识和可访问性是关键, and we see the local branch as an ideal place to begin fostering vital community connections and touchpoints to help our customers reach their financial goals.

作为社区管理者, 我的工作是与个人建立联系, 达拉斯南部的家庭和企业主, 提高对现有资源的认识和利用. My team and I will help you and others in your neighborhood take advantage of 财务健康工具, 产品及服务, while aiming to boost general financial knowledge via unique and free interactive programs, 例如支持财政健康的资源, 购房小贴士, 教育及充实工作坊, 为创业或扩大小型企业的企业家提供增长支持.

我们才刚刚开始, 我希望能给这些家庭的生活带来真正的改变, 个人, 我们社区的房主和企业主.

Question: What financial opportunities will be available to 达拉斯’ Black community through this 追逐 影响 Branch?

Terri: We want to promote financial health, homeownership and minority-owned businesses.

One of our priorities will be to help 个人 in our community open a checking account for the first time, as this is the key to financial stability and critical to closing gaps in access to banking. 要做到这一点, 我们将介绍我们的低成本, 无透支支票账户,比如大通安全银行, which can offer security to those who might be new to banking or who have had trouble getting or keeping a bank account in the past.

My team is also responsible for promoting growth among minority-owned small businesses – which means we’ll help local entrepreneurs secure loans. We’ve also brought on board home lending advisors who are focused on helping more of the community secure the funds needed for affordable, 可持续的住房.

To help advance homeownership in diverse and traditionally underserved 社区, 追逐 Home Lending现在提供5美元贷款,000 homebuyer grant to help in covering closing costs and down payment for qualified homebuyers purchasing a home. 除了, customers who complete a certified education course can save an additional $500 on a 追逐 DreaMaker mortgage.

Question: You mentioned, “community building” as another goal of the local Community 影响 Branch. 什么是“社区建设”?你将如何在达拉斯完成这项任务?

泰瑞:在大通银行, 我们现在有巨大的机会来帮助我们的客户, 社区, 我们的国家从我们所经历的不确定时期中恢复过来. 这就是我们的使命. 这是我们在这家分行和每一家大通分行所做的承诺.

分公司是公司的核心和灵魂. They are where we meet with people to talk face to face during life’s most important moments, 比如开第一个储蓄账户, 购买第一套住房, 或者为退休做计划. Bank branches are necessary to help 社区 thrive –and our Oak Cliff community center is truly innovative. 我们的愿景是实现从社区银行到社区建设的飞跃.

We understand that fully supporting our customers’ success requires a commitment to support the community’s success. 请停下来了解更多有关可用资源的信息. 我和我的团队都期待着进一步了解您.

了解更多 about how 12bet官方 is supporting equitable economic growth across 达拉斯-Fort Worth.