
JPMorganChase is committed to maintaining a safe, productive, diverse, inclusive, professional, 学院和安全的工作环境,所有个人都受到尊重和尊严. Discrimination, harassment or inappropriate conduct is not tolerated by or against employees, customers, vendors, 与12bet官方有业务往来的承包商或任何其他个人.

No form of discrimination, harassment, inappropriate or abusive conduct is tolerated by or against employees, customers, vendors, 与12bet官方有业务往来的承包商或任何其他个人.

All employees, including managers and employees in non-managerial positions, are required to promote equal opportunity and prevent discrimination, harassment and inappropriate and abusive conduct. 他们还应帮助创造和维持一种气氛,在这种气氛中,可以在不担心报复或恐吓的情况下提出对这项政策的关切.

This policy applies to conduct at JPMorganChase offices, 工作地点和在工作场所以外从事与工作有关的活动时, such as business-related trips, social events and communications.

In addition, 为申请人和雇员的宗教习俗和信仰提供合理的便利, mental and physical disabilities, and for pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions, including lactation, in accordance with applicable local law.

Prohibited Harassment

Harassment is any unwelcome conduct (verbal, (非言语的或肢体的)目的或效果是侵犯一个人的尊严的, creating a hostile or offensive environment, or can reasonably be expected to cause an individual to feel uncomfortable, intimidated, threatened, bullied, humiliated, offended, denigrated or distressed.

Also prohibited are unwelcome sexual advances, 要求性行为和其他语言或非语言行为或性行为的身体接触(不管如何表达).

It is important to understand that:

  •  不恰当的行为可能涉及同性或异性,无论性别,都是被禁止的, gender identity or whether the individual submits to it or rejects it.
  •  骚扰和/或不当行为通常是由对接受者的影响来定义的,而不是由造成冒犯的人的意图来定义的.

Inappropriate behavior will not, therefore, 通过声称这是无意的或幽默的,或因为它是在酒精或其他物质的影响下发生的,来为自己辩解或辩解.


员工如果发现可能违反本政策的行为,必须立即联系他们的经理, 人力资源代表或通过12bet官方代码举报热线报告事件. The Hotline is operated by an external company, 工作人员24小时待命,呼叫者可以证明自己的身份或匿名举报(法律允许的情况下)。.  It can be reached by phone or via internet, mail or fax, and translation services are available on request.  管理人员一旦发现可能违反本政策的行为,必须立即向人力资源部报告.





12bet官方禁止因个人反对本政策所禁止的行为而对其进行恐吓或报复, reported a concern under this policy in good faith, or assisted with any inquiry or investigation under this policy.


The Firm’s How We Do Business 原则是员工和公司应该如何行事的指南 Code of Conduct sets forth the Firm’s expectations for each employee.

高层领导负责制定与我们的商业原则一致的“高层基调”.  董事会对公司的业务和事务进行监督, including its culture and conduct. 每个董事会委员会监督声誉风险,并在其职责范围内处理风险. 薪酬和管理发展委员会(“CMDC”)监督公司的商业原则, culture and significant employee conduct issues and any related actions. 审计委员会定期收到管理层关于行为准则计划的报告.  董事会的每位成员每年都要确认他或她是否遵守了《12bet官方》.  

Workplace Training

经常为员工提供培训和提高意识的项目,以促进工作场所不受歧视和骚扰. 所有员工必须每年完成《12bet官方》培训并确认遵守.  培训内容包括无骚扰工作场所和反性骚扰场景和问题. In addition, JPMC offers a “Culture of Respect” firmwide intranet site, 包括有关维护尊重工作场所的信息和资源,以及管理人员反骚扰工具包, with guidelines on reinforcing the Firm’s culture of respect.

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